Focused On Our Environment
Big B Waste takes our environment seriously. The new landfill cell at Big B waste will feature extraordinary technological innovations designed to protect the environment.
In the State of Indiana solid waste landfills are regulated by IDEM under the Solid Waste Rules 329 IAC 10. All new units (Cells) are construction in accordance with the State regulations (329 IAC 10) and the State regulations have been approved by the Federal EPA to be in compliance with the Federal solid waste regulations (Subtitle D).
Hayes Landfill adheres to all solid waste landfill location restrictions (airport, floodplain, wetlands, fault/seismic, unstable/karst, aquifer, zoning, etc) and setback (dwellings, water supply, wetlands, river/stream, property boundary, factory/office, etc).
As shown in the video above and prior to waste placement, Hayes Landfill must construct a composite base liner barrier system designed to protect the underlaying geology layers from leachate (water flowing thru landfill) infiltration. The base liner system consists of the following layers, starting from the bottom upward:
Structural sound foundation (in addition to geotechnical evaluation all areas are proof rolled prior to base liner construction)
Minimum 3’ thick low permeability compacted barrier soil liner (< 1.0E-07 cm/sec)
Geomembrane liner (30-mil PVC…..like a pool liner only thicker)
Drainage collection layer (gravel, sand, or geocomposite)…collects leachate (water passing thru trash) at bottom of landfill
Protective cover layer (protects the base liner system from puncture or other damage from the initial waste placement)
Construction and installation of the base liner must adhere to a strict site-specific Construction Quality Control / Construction Quality Assurance (CQA/CQC) Plan. This Plan has been reviewed and approved by IDEM and includes material specifications and all required testing, monitoring, measuring, documentation, etc. A final third party Construction Certification Report (CCR) must be prepared and submitted to IDEM. The landfill cannot begin filling the new cell until IDEM has reviewed and approved the CCR.
As new cells are constructed, Hayes landfill is required to update their financial assurance funding mechanism to ensure adequate funding is available for final closure and 30-year post-closure for all areas.
Your Hometown Waste Disposal Experts
Big B Waste is a second generation, family owned waste disposal company. For 45 years, we have served regional communities by providing a multitude of residential and commercial waste disposal services.